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If someone asked you to name a brand of sewing machine, chances are you'd answer Singer. They're probably the best-known sewing machine brand in the entire industry. Singer sewing machines have been manufactured since 1851 using the highest quality standards. The zigzag stitch feature, now almost universally offered on sewing machines, was an innovation by Singer. They also developed and marketed the first electronic sewing machine.
It doesn't matter if you're interested in quilting, embroidery, home décor sewing or making your own clothes, there's a Singer sewing machine that can do the job. They're some of the most advanced machines in the world. It's no wonder Singer has been a household name for over 150 years.
Singer breaks their sewing machine range up into four main categories. For beginners, they have a basic machine. It's easy to use and economical, but it can also do more advanced jobs like buttonholes and utility stitching. Secondly, they have the Scholastic series. These are specifically designed for use in a teaching environment. For this reason they are practical and extremely durable.
The third group of machines belongs in the Quantum series. These are Singer's top quality machines. They incorporate a range of modern conveniences, including electronic mechanisms. The final category is the multi-featured series, which includes Singer's multi-featured machines. It's easy to see that Singer has a sewing machine to suit everyone's needs.
Purchasing a sewing machine is easy, as there are many places for you to look. Check out your local department store, the Internet and in catalogs. Most larger towns and cities have a sewing store, or at least a large craft store. Because Singers are known to be high quality and durable, you don't need to worry about what you're buying if you choose a used Singer sewing machine either.
It can be interesting to ask around and find out if one of the older members of your family still has an antique Singer. Recently these old sewing machines have become collector's items. There are even enthusiasts who collect antique Singer sewing machines as a full time hobby. If you find the serial number on the machine, you can call Singer and they will be able to identify the date the machine was manufactured. You can also look online, as there are websites that can help trace the serial number to an approximate manufacture date.
If you're interested in selling an antique Singer, then you can get in touch with people that specialize in appraising antique Singers. Whether you want to use it yourself or collect them as a hobby, Singer machines truly represent durability and quality.
Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Shopping For Sewing Machines.info where he provides more sewing machine advice, solutions and information on finding the best sewing machines that you can research in your pajamas on his website http://www.shoppingforsewingmachines.info
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