Does this situation sound familiar? Putting the finishing touches on a sewing project you are moments away from finishing, when suddenly the thread breaks. This is a frustrating situation that in many cases leads capable sewers to forfeit their sewing adventure. Thread breakage is a nuisance that frustrates even the most experienced of sewers; fortunately in numerous situations, the fault of the thread breakage is due to the user's carelessness and easily fixable.
The first thing to check if you are experiencing thread looping or breakage is the machine tension. If the machine tension is not set properly you may experience thread looping because the tension is set too low and breakage if it set too high. Be sure that the tension is properly set to help avoid such problems from occurring.
A different problem that often leads in thread breakage is imprecise threading. Often sewers who have used their machine for a long time they presume that their experience makes them impervious to mistakes. This is often untrue as anyone can make a mistake and even the most skilled of sewers are not immune to making an accident, such as incorrectly threading the machine, which results in thread breakage. To prevent problems with threading your machine it is important to check that thread comes off the spool in a flowing and even manner. You are at a much higher risk for thread breakage if the thread does not lift from the spool smoothly.
A regularly recurring accident is faulty threading the tension assembly. A large number of sewers are aware that there is a tension assembly, but despite knowing this fact are oblivious on how to thread it correctly. To properly thread the machine a user must "floss" the thread into the tension assembly. This will prevent thread breakage because it will allow your machine to apply the optimal amount of upper tension.
Another over looked factor that often leads to thread breakage is incorrect threading of the take-up lever. An immeasurable amount of sewers are oblivious to the fact that the take up lever even exists. This unawareness results in sewers unconsciously failing to get thread over the take up lever. Not getting the thread over the take up lever leads to thread breakage, so it is critically important to ensure that when threading your machine that the tread is getting over the take up lever.
Many sewers are unsure of the type of bobbin their machine uses. If you use the incorrect bobbin for your machine you could cause thread looping or irregular thread feeding. Make sure you are using the correct bobbin and that the bobbin is inserted in the machine correctly to help prevent a potential problem. Consult the user manual for your machine for the proper size bobbin and how to properly install the bobbin.
To ensure effortless sewing a machine must be kept clean. A clean machine must be clean from the inside and out; simply dusting the outer parts does not mean the machine is truly clean. Elimination of dust and thread in the thread linkage, gears and bobbin case assist in having you perform optimally and helps avoid thread breakage.
A well-maintained and clean machine prevents headaches and troubles for the user. Taking your sewing machine to a trained sewing specialized location to have your machine cleaned and lubricated is a very good idea. Many sewing machines of today are called no-oiling machines, a no-oiling machine does not have to be oiled by the user, but should be periodically lubricated and cleaned by a sewing machine mechanic. A qualified sewing machine mechanic would insure that all inside parts of your sewing machine receive the attention they need.
Using the simple steps above will help to severely cut down on thread breaking. When a sewing machine is well kept and in good working order, it results in using less wasted time, thread and, stress for the user
For more content, and tips on sewing machines such as brother sewing machines and singer sewing machines visit us at Mr Vac and Mrs Sew.