วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

The Damascus Grand Rotary Sewing Machine and Its Reputation

The Damascus Grand Rotary Sewing Machine, sold by Montgomery Ward, decades ago, remains one of the most beloved machines ever created. People around the globe still use, revere, and protect their Grand Rotary sewing machine.

A collector's item, this amazing machine at the time sewed about 1/3 quicker than all other models at the time and it became an instant classic. Every serious sewer and amateur sewer alike quickly learns the nuances of a machine and then becomes one with their machine. This machine is one of the few machines in history to become such an instant and enduring classic.

Even in today's society where convenience and speed are paramount, people enjoy and perfect their sewing skills. In fact, we often pay a premium to have people sew things for us as we appreciate the quality of good sewing. Those among us who have perfected the art of sewing will be quick to point out that it is as much about their machine as it is about their individual skills.

Whether creating a new dress or shirt, hemming pants, altering their favorite garment, attaching buttons or embroidering, the art of sewing is appreciated by all, yet mastered by surprising few. In recent years, however, there has been a resurgence of interest in sewing that has led to an increase in popularity of collectible machines such as this one.

Collectors know the value of a great machine and all of its accessories including the needles, cases and even manuals. That's right, there is an entire market of people looking for, finding and selling owner manuals for popular machines such as this one.

As people look for the ultimate find in sewing, they often come online and research these classic machines to find the machines themselves, as well as the various accessories that are available for the machine.

We would be curious to learn if Montgomery Ward's thought for a moment that when they began to offer this machine nearly a century ago that it would become such an instant classic. Whether they knew it at the time or not, there is no doubt that this amazing machine has caught the heart and the attention of sewing aficionados around the world who love their Damascus Grand Rotary sewing machine. If you are serious about sewing, I highly recommend you get your hands on one of these machines.

Byran Kempa for Sewing Machine Resource - a resource site providing information on all types of sewing machines including the Damascus Grand Rotary sewing machine.
