วันเสาร์ที่ 16 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

DIY: Decorative Heart Pillow

This project took me about an hour. Written Directions: You will need: - pencil, eraser - drafting paper - sewing needle - red thread - red satin fabric (half a meter for two pillows) - pins - scissors/rotary tools - seam ripper (just in case, optional) - marking tool - measuring tool - stuffing (I got mine at Walmart) 1. Draw out the heart shape that you'd like. Add your preferred seam allowance with a measuring tool. Make the heart even by drawing and cutting on a fold. 2. Once cut, in your heart pattern on your material well, with the grain line of the material going vertically on the heart. Cut out two pieces. (If you're not using a sewing machine, skip to step 4) 3. Surge or zig-zag stitch the edges of each heart. 4. Pin the two pieces together, right sides together. 5. Use your marking tool to mark about 5in/13cm from the tip of the heart to either side. 6. With the seam allowance you decided to use, stitch around the heart, leaving the gap that you marked open. (If you are hand sewing, you should mark your seam allowance so that you know where to sew. Keep the stitches small and close together.) 7. Clip the seam allowance along the curves of the heart and cut off excess fabric at the tip of the heart before turning it right side out. 8. Iron the edges. 9. Stuff your pillow. 10. Hand sew the gap closed.

